Donnerstag, 22. März 2007

Embargo light

The International Monetary Fund and the United Nations say that the Palestinians got $1.2 billion in aid and budgetary support in 2006, compared with $1 billion in 2005.

They estimate that direct budgetary support was about $740 million in 2006, more than double the $350 million it got in 2004 and 2005.

But Salam Fayyad, finance minister in the new Palestinian unity government, says he thinks the Palestinians got about $140 million more than that in 2006 when cash from Muslim nations is counted as well as the amount smuggled in by Hamas officials from trips abroad.

“I say the minimum for direct budgetary support was $880 million in 2006 compared to about $350 million the year before,” Fayyad said. He estimates total aid in 2006 was closer to $1.35 billion. (Quelle: International Herald Tribune)

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